For Educational Institutions
Transform your Achievements into Meaningful Data
Discover how our social community connects educational institutions with companies and NGOs. Contribute, generate international alliances, measure your impact and form part of a community that really makes the difference.
Register your Educational Institution now!Welcome toOnnityour digital partnerSocial Responsibility University(RSU). In a world that seeks positive and sustainable change, universities play a key role. We want to help you highlight the social impact of your institution and turn your actions into significant data aligned with those of your institution.Sustainable Development Goals(ODS).Join our community and become a leader in RSU.Onnitoffers you the tools, visibility and support you need to make the difference.
Are you ready to take your University Social Responsibility to the next level?
Join our community and become a leader in the field of NGOs.Onnitprovides you with the tools, visibility and support you need to make the difference. Are you ready to take the social impact of your NGO to the next level?
Connect with international organizations to generate strategic and economic alliances that will attract talents and the personal and professional development of your company members.
Use our advanced tools to quantify ininternational standardized metrics and indicatorshow your company's shares contribute toSDGs. Transform your efforts into concrete data.
Onnit lets you highlight yourprojects and social activitiesto a wider audience. Share your initiatives and reach those who want to support your cause.